Problem with saving process in RM Server

stfn New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

Hello community,


I need your help again.

I start the RM Server with the standalone.bat -> run as administrator.

It workes fine until i want to save my local process to the RM Server repository i've made.

Then the terminal has and endless loop running the whole time. 

The other problem is when i try to expand the rmserver ropository is it mentioned as pending and nothing is expanded(again the endless loop)  or i can't even see the expanding arrow next to repository, like the tutorials i've watched. 


Any ideas?





Best Answer

  • Edin_Klapic
    Edin_Klapic New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi stfn,


    Sorry for being unclear. localhost:8080 is only the correct hostname and port if you defined this during the installation of RapidMiner in the step depicted below. Please try the healthcheck with the hostname and port you defined there.

    In addition, on the screenshot you posted it states that the address "DESKTOP-Stefi/" is already in use which points to the direction that your RapidMiner Server is already running.




    If this does not help at all perhaps you try to delete and reinstall RapidMiner Server?

    From then on we could move on step by step to ensure everything is set up correctly.








  • Edin_Klapic
    Edin_Klapic New Altair Community Member

    Hi stfn,


    could it be that your database is not running?


    You can check if RapidMiner Server has been started successfully when you execute the healthcheck.


    This can be achieved by calling the URL



    If everything is fine your browser should display








  • stfn
    stfn New Altair Community Member

    Now it does not even open the http://localhost:8080/


    Every time a new error without make any change



    Also RM Server Version is 7.5.1
    and  RM Studio Version is 7.5.001


    xampp working fine.

  • Edin_Klapic
    Edin_Klapic New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi stfn,


    Sorry for being unclear. localhost:8080 is only the correct hostname and port if you defined this during the installation of RapidMiner in the step depicted below. Please try the healthcheck with the hostname and port you defined there.

    In addition, on the screenshot you posted it states that the address "DESKTOP-Stefi/" is already in use which points to the direction that your RapidMiner Server is already running.




    If this does not help at all perhaps you try to delete and reinstall RapidMiner Server?

    From then on we could move on step by step to ensure everything is set up correctly.







  • stfn
    stfn New Altair Community Member

    Thank you all for your help.


    The one error i had was that apache was in the same port as the server. So i reinstall the Server in port 8181. Also i had to make new file "uploads" after instalation in directory rapidminer/upload for future use.


    Finally i made a change in RM Studio where i had to define the connection of my DB from "predefined" to "url" using the Server's given url. 


    Thank you all again for your advices and your time!

