"User error operator MCIO (multiple_color_image_opener) cannot be executed"

good afternoon
I have a problem with my project and i cannot understand why?
my code is :
Process location = new Process(new File("C:\\Users\\john\\.RapidMiner\\repositories\\Local Repository\\processes\\project_solar_parks.rmp"));
Operator a = location.getOperator("MCIO");
a.setPairParameter("images", "photovoltaika", save_image);
IOContainer ioResult = location.run();
IOObject result = ioResult.getElementAt(0);
and the error is :
com.rapidminer.operator.UserError: The dummy operator MCIO (replacing imageprocessing:multiple_color_image_opener) cannot be executed.
at com.rapidminer.operator.DummyOperator.doWork(DummyOperator.java:94)
at com.rapidminer.operator.Operator.execute(Operator.java:1004)
at com.rapidminer.operator.execution.SimpleUnitExecutor.execute(SimpleUnitExecutor.java:77)
at com.rapidminer.operator.ExecutionUnit$3.run(ExecutionUnit.java:812)
at com.rapidminer.operator.ExecutionUnit$3.run(ExecutionUnit.java:807)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at com.rapidminer.operator.ExecutionUnit.execute(ExecutionUnit.java:807)
at com.rapidminer.operator.OperatorChain.doWork(OperatorChain.java:428)
at com.rapidminer.operator.Operator.execute(Operator.java:1004)
can someone help me?
This era relates to the fact that the process cannot find the image mining extension. It appears you might be using RapidMiner server? If so you need to install the image mining extension on the server for you to execute a process on the server.0
Good afternoon
I am not using RpidMiner Server . I am using RapidMiner version 7.0 Basic Edition.
I plugged in image_miner 1.4.1.jar Extensions .
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This message:
"com.rapidminer.operator.UserError: The dummy operator MCIO (replacing imageprocessing:multiple_color_image_opener) cannot be executed.
at com.rapidminer.operator.DummyOperator.doWork(DummyOperator.java:94)"Means that it's not finding the opreator somehow. Did you properly install the extension? The image mining exetension is a 3rd party extension, I would ping @Vaclav to see what your problem could be.
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i dowloaded the imageminer from here: http://splab.cz/en/download/software/immi-rapidminer-extenison
i putted the jar into rapidminerstudio/lib/plugin/
after that i putted the same jar in my java project as library
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Hello John,
If I understand it properly, you are trying to run RM from code. The problem is, that the plugin is not loaded, because RM has it's own way to load plugins. You have to set the plugin directory before calling RapidMiner.init();
System.setProperty(RapidMiner.PROPERTY_RAPIDMINER_INIT_PLUGINS_LOCATION,"C:/Program Files/RapidMiner/plugins/");
RapidMiner.init();Hope this helps.
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Unfortunately my programm didnot work.
Again print the same mistake.
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When you run RapidMiner Studio and load your process and hit Play, does it work?
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error message:
<em class="error">The operator class 'imageprocessing:open_color_image' is unknown. Possibly you must install a plugin for operators of group 'imageprocessing'.</em>
i changed MCIO to open color image the same message appears .
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Yeah you did something wrong when you installed the plugin. So until you fix that, it's not going to work. I would try to reinstall it again and follow the image mining documentation on how to do it: http://www.burgsys.com/download/mumi_enterprise.pdf
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i do exactly what the pdf says.I notice that when put the jar rapidminer-Image_1.4.1.jar in my project .i use netbeans.i notice that print a unexpected exception: org.netbeans.modules.parsing.spi.ParseException
i donot ksno why happens this.
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i want to ask you how to say in rapidminer api java that the operator "open color image" refers to the class ReadColorImageOperator