how can I update one cell in mysql table after classification (to give feedback to labview) ?

I use labview to get test data and store them in mysql, and mysql file update will triger rm server and run the classification program, finally I need to feedback the prediction data (OK, NG) to labview, right now I have 2 ways to do these, I wonder if there is another way to give feedback to labview program, thanks:
1)generate new attribute
1.1)labview store data into mysql, insert 4 columns, which are "prediction(OK/NG)", "confidence(OK)", "confidence(NG)", and "feedback", into the test data table,
1.2)remove "feedback" column,
1.3)run classification program,
1.4)generate new attribute "feedback"( feedback = prediction )
1.5)update mysql table
1.6)labview read mysql table
2)sql update
2.1)labview store data into mysql as table 1, insert "feedback"
2.2)run classification program,
2.3)store program result into mysql as table 2
2.4)use sql update "feedback" in table 1 by cross update table 1 and table 2
Best Answer
you could run an Execute SQL command with specific command if you are that cost sensetive.
did you check the Update Database operator?
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yes I try the update database in way 1, that is way I need to generate 3 attributes, and it update the whole table0
I prefer way 2 for it cost less resource0
you could run an Execute SQL command with specific command if you are that cost sensetive.