Polarity in sentiment analysis

bue_3li New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A


i'm begginer in using rapidminer 

i used an aylien connection to anlayzing tweets

at first it works fine

after that i faced a problem ,, it always give me '?' question mark in polarity field.. why is that happen ?

could you help me with that please

thanks in advnace


Best Answer

  • Telcontar120
    Telcontar120 New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Did you perhaps exceed the number of API calls allowed under your plan?  The free version is limited and you may simply have run into that limit, which is why it would start working again after a day even if you made no additional changes.  If you are going to be doing a high volume of text analysis you should probably look at one of their paid plans.




  • Thomas_Ott
    Thomas_Ott New Altair Community Member

    I don't remember what languages Aylien supports but check if the language the tweets you want to analyze are supported. 

  • JEdward
    JEdward New Altair Community Member
    Are the languages you are testing the sentiment for either English, German or (I think) Spanish?

    You can detect the language with the language detection operator.
  • bue_3li
    bue_3li New Altair Community Member

    it was working fine with arabic and english, i don't know what happend

    toady , i didnt even close rapiedminer since yesterday ,, once i clicked run it worked fine again!! also i don't know why !

  • Telcontar120
    Telcontar120 New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Did you perhaps exceed the number of API calls allowed under your plan?  The free version is limited and you may simply have run into that limit, which is why it would start working again after a day even if you made no additional changes.  If you are going to be doing a high volume of text analysis you should probably look at one of their paid plans.



  • bue_3li
    bue_3li New Altair Community Member

    yes.. i did alot of  API calls with free version