No attribute suggestions in operators

onep New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A


I have a problem with my Rapid Miner installation. Suddenly I get no proposals for attributes I can choose in the operators. If I, for example, choose a "Select Attributes" operator, then the drop down list under "Attribute" is completely blank, but in the past there was a list of attributes from my data set.


Anybody who knows why it suddenly does not work?


Best Answer

  • mmichel
    mmichel New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi mathias,


    please verify if your RapidMiner Studio client is actually generating the necessary meta data. Click on the 'Process' menu entry and afterwards make sure 'Validate Automatically' is selected. Some operators require meta data to work properly.





  • mmichel
    mmichel New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi mathias,


    please verify if your RapidMiner Studio client is actually generating the necessary meta data. Click on the 'Process' menu entry and afterwards make sure 'Validate Automatically' is selected. Some operators require meta data to work properly.




  • onep
    onep New Altair Community Member

    Thank you Marcel - that made the difference. Validate Automatically was ticked off