Internal Seed that Rapidminer uses

koerojas New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

Hi everyone!


In my work, I have to run a customer segmentation for each store. At the begining, I was doing one segmentation by one but now I did a new version with a Loop Process. Now I get all the results at once.


My problem is that I don´t get the same results that I used to have on my first version. Nevertheless, when I set the "use local random seed" and set the value "local random seed" to 1992 on both process (the default one), the results are the same.


I would like to know if there is a way to get the internal seed number that Rapidminer uses. I would like to replicate the results on my new process. I know that it isn't the default 1992 because the results change.


Thanks a lot!






  • mmichel
    mmichel New Altair Community Member

    Hi koerojas,


    if the local random seed is not defined, the default seed of the process should be used.

    You can inspect the process parameters, including the global random seed, by clicking on an empty area inside the process panel. The default value is 2001.




  • koerojas
    koerojas New Altair Community Member

    Thanks a lot! Now I have the same results!