"Loading Java Native/Shared libraries"

svzelst New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

For the RapidProM extension of RapidMiner, we need to load some external libraries, e.g., LpSolve for integer linear programming.


We used to do this using System.load(...) / System.loadLibrary(...) calls.

However, the new security rules within RapidMiner do no longer allow this and an AccessControlException is generated for this type of code.

Is there any way (like some static utility class) whith RapidMiner that allows for this type of loading?

Without this type of loading, a lot of operators are no longer able to function.


kind regards,




  • Marco_Boeck
    Marco_Boeck New Altair Community Member



    we noticed your extension being broken :(

    I have escalated the issue, you should hear back from someone soon (tm).




  • svzelst
    svzelst New Altair Community Member

    Hi Marco,


    Thanks for the swift response!

    I hope we are able to fix it :-)

  • Vaclav
    Vaclav New Altair Community Member

    Hello Marco,

    we have also problem with out Image extension. We cannot load example images from extension's jar file.

    We will apriciate any help.


    Best wishes,


  • zprekopcsak
    zprekopcsak New Altair Community Member



    Can you please email me at my username at rapidminer.com? We will figure out an interim solution for your extensions and make sure that users can use them with RapidMiner 7.2.


    Zoltan Prekopcsak
    VP Engineering

  • zprekopcsak
    zprekopcsak New Altair Community Member

    @svzelst: please also send an email to the address above