How to configure Server version with Studio version

CraigBostonUSA New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

I just updated our RM server to version 7.1 with “rapidminer-server-installer-7.1.0”, and restarted the server. When I try to connect from RM studio (7.1.1), it says the server version is 7.0 and can’t connect. What could be the problem here. Is there a way to check the version of server installed on command line or remove previous JAR files?





Best Answers

  • bhupendra_patil
    bhupendra_patil New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Hello @CraigBostonUSA ,


    not sure what could have gone wrong, but did u run the complete installer,


    if you pointed to installtion to same folder as your previous server location, then typically a common issue is you may not have removed the old files before runing the new installer


    We recommend to not do a full installation into an existing RapidMiner Server folder but rather to use a fresh folder. However, if you do chose to overwrite an existing installation, please remove all files in thestandalone/deployments folder that either start with rapidminer-server-* or ROOT.war. Failure to do so might result in RapidMiner Server not being able to start correctly.


    you can see more details here


    My quick solution will be stop the previous server from service panel and install at a fresh location as we recommend


  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi Craig,


    had you have a look on the documentation?




  • bhupendra_patil
    bhupendra_patil New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Hello @CraigBostonUSA ,


    not sure what could have gone wrong, but did u run the complete installer,


    if you pointed to installtion to same folder as your previous server location, then typically a common issue is you may not have removed the old files before runing the new installer


    We recommend to not do a full installation into an existing RapidMiner Server folder but rather to use a fresh folder. However, if you do chose to overwrite an existing installation, please remove all files in thestandalone/deployments folder that either start with rapidminer-server-* or ROOT.war. Failure to do so might result in RapidMiner Server not being able to start correctly.


    you can see more details here


    My quick solution will be stop the previous server from service panel and install at a fresh location as we recommend


  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi Craig,


    had you have a look on the documentation?



  • CraigBostonUSA
    CraigBostonUSA New Altair Community Member

    Thank you all! The pointer helped.  I had to delete the old files and back them up EAR file (java eneterprise archive file) in the server folder and it worked. 

  • Marco_Boeck
    Marco_Boeck New Altair Community Member



    this scenario will no longer occur in the future (starting next release) as the installer will backup the old .EAR files itself during installation if any are found.




  • CraigBostonUSA
    CraigBostonUSA New Altair Community Member

    good 7.2 Server set up Video