Example plugin use of ExpressionParserFactory.registerParser()

john4data New Altair Community Member
edited 2024 05 in Community Q&A
I'd like to extend rapidminer with a bunch of financial functions.  It seems like just adding them to the expression parser and then using existing operators would be very nice and give me access to the new functions in several different contexts.  I have the java code for the functions already.

Are there any example plugins that use the regsiterParser hook to add functions at init?


  • Marco_Boeck
    Marco_Boeck New Altair Community Member

    AbstractExpressionParser#registerFunction(String, com.rapidminer.tools.expression.parser.Function);
    should do the job. Please be aware that the expression parser is being redone at the moment. You will need to extend an abstract function class in the future, however the main code for your functions should not be affected much. Just a heads up ;)
