I have a TCL script written here. I want to call a certain set created as Set1 and write it on the output.txt file. Can someone help how to write it in TCL? If there is an error in elem_set can it be rectified as well?

cd E:/New_Folder
set outPath "E:/New_folder/output.txt"
set import_file_path "E:/New_folder/ads.h3d"
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle session
session GetProjectHandle project
project GetPageHandle page 1
page GetWindowHandle win 1
win SetClientType animation
win GetClientHandle anim
anim AddModel $import_file_path
set id [anim AddModel $import_file_path]
anim GetModelHandle myModel $id
myModel SetResult $import_file_path
anim Draw
myModel GetResultCtrlHandle myResult
set current [myResult GetCurrentSubcase]
myResult SetCurrentSimulation [expr [myResult GetNumberOfSimulations $current]-1]
set data_types [myResult GetDataTypeList $current]
myResult GetContourCtrlHandle myContour
myContour SetDataType [lindex $data_types 6]
myContour SetDataComponent == vonMises
myContour SetEnableState true
anim Draw
myModel GetQueryCtrlHandle myQuery
set set_id [myModel AddSelectionSet element]
myModel GetSelectionSetHandle mySet [myModel
AddSelectionSet element]
elem_set SetSelectMode 'displayed'
elem_set Add "component_name == PSOLID_3"
myModel GetQueryCtrlHandle myQuery
myQuery SetSelectionSet [Set1 GetID]
myQuery SetQuery "element.id contour.value"
myQuery WriteData $outPath
session ReleaseHandle
project ReleaseHandle
page ReleaseHandle
win ReleaseHandle
myModel ReleaseHandle
myResult ReleaseHandle
hwi CloseStack
Try this mod version:
set outPath "C:/_RUNNING/COMMUNITY/output.txt"
set import_file_path "C:/_RUNNING/COMMUNITY/Model.h3d"
set set_name "Set1"
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle session
session GetProjectHandle project
project GetPageHandle page 1
page GetWindowHandle win 1
win SetClientType animation
win GetClientHandle anim
#anim AddModel $import_file_path
set id [anim AddModel $import_file_path]
anim GetModelHandle myModel $id
myModel SetResult $import_file_path
anim Draw
myModel GetResultCtrlHandle myResult
set current [myResult GetCurrentSubcase]
myResult SetCurrentSimulation [expr [myResult GetNumberOfSimulations $current]-1]
set data_types [myResult GetDataTypeList $current]
myResult GetContourCtrlHandle myContour
myContour SetDataType [lindex $data_types 6]
myContour SetDataComponent == vonMises
myContour SetEnableState true
anim Draw
set sets_list [myModel GetSelectionSetList "User_Set"]hwi OpenStack
foreach seto $sets_list {
myModel GetSelectionSetHandle mySet${seto} $seto
set label [mySet${seto} GetLabel]
if {$label == $set_name} {
set set_id $seto
hwi CloseStackmyModel GetQueryCtrlHandle myQuery
myQuery SetSelectionSet $set_id
myQuery SetQuery "element.id contour.value"
myQuery WriteData $outPathhwi CloseStack
exit1 -
Adriano A. Koga_21884 said:
Try this mod version:
set outPath "C:/_RUNNING/COMMUNITY/output.txt"
set import_file_path "C:/_RUNNING/COMMUNITY/Model.h3d"
set set_name "Set1"
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle session
session GetProjectHandle project
project GetPageHandle page 1
page GetWindowHandle win 1
win SetClientType animation
win GetClientHandle anim
#anim AddModel $import_file_path
set id [anim AddModel $import_file_path]
anim GetModelHandle myModel $id
myModel SetResult $import_file_path
anim Draw
myModel GetResultCtrlHandle myResult
set current [myResult GetCurrentSubcase]
myResult SetCurrentSimulation [expr [myResult GetNumberOfSimulations $current]-1]
set data_types [myResult GetDataTypeList $current]
myResult GetContourCtrlHandle myContour
myContour SetDataType [lindex $data_types 6]
myContour SetDataComponent == vonMises
myContour SetEnableState true
anim Draw
set sets_list [myModel GetSelectionSetList "User_Set"]hwi OpenStack
foreach seto $sets_list {
myModel GetSelectionSetHandle mySet${seto} $seto
set label [mySet${seto} GetLabel]
if {$label == $set_name} {
set set_id $seto
hwi CloseStackmyModel GetQueryCtrlHandle myQuery
myQuery SetSelectionSet $set_id
myQuery SetQuery "element.id contour.value"
myQuery WriteData $outPathhwi CloseStack
exit@Adriano A. Koga Thank you for the help but an error is generated specifying 'can't read "set_id": no such variable".
Could you help me with this?
Thank you
0 -
Adeline War_20893 said:
@Adriano A. Koga Thank you for the help but an error is generated specifying 'can't read "set_id": no such variable".
Could you help me with this?
Thank you
have you adjusted the header of the script with your actual data?
Also, maybe there might be an issue with the User_Set, then maybe you could replace this line:
set sets_list [myModel GetSelectionSetList "User_Set"]
set sets_list [myModel GetSelectionSetList]