installing the R extension for studio 6.3 on a mac

corkie New Altair Community Member
edited November 5 in Community Q&A
anyone got some info on how to install the latest R extension on a mac? I have the package, but didn't know how to complete the installation.

> I was hoping to use R to plot nodes with lat long in DD format using R.
is this possible -



  • Steve_P
    Steve_P New Altair Community Member
    I recently installed the R extension on a Mac.  I followed the onscreen instructions. The only thing I had to do that required a little "look up" on my part was editing my .profile text file.

  • Steve_P
    Steve_P New Altair Community Member
    I still can't get it to work on my MacBook Air running OS X 10.10.2

    I had installed the R extension once before but never got it to work successfully.  I tried it again and here are my steps.

    1. Installed RapidMiner
    2. Installed R
    3. Installed RStudio
    4. Opened RStudio
    5. > install.packages(c(“rJava”, “JavaGD”))
        > library(rJava)
        > library(JavaGD)
    6. opened Terminal
    7. $ cd ~/
        $ touch .bash_profile
        $ open -e .bash_profile
    8. added the following lines to .bash_profile
        export R_HOME=/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources
        export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
                      --- or ---
        export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.6)
    9. $ . .bash_profile
    10. checked my work by
        $ echo $R_HOME
        $ echo $JAVA_HOME
          <<<I also tried version 1.7>>>
    11. started RapidMiner and the R console did not show up
    12. removed the R extension
    13. shut down and restarted RapidMiner
    14. installed the R extension
    15. went into preferences, hit the R tab
    16. set the JRI library files to
    15. shut down and restarted RapidMiner
    16. still no R console

  • Marco_Boeck
    Marco_Boeck New Altair Community Member

    sadly installing the old R extension can be a pain or simply refuse to work for some reasons. I'm afraid I don't know hot to help you with your exact problem right now, but we have been working on something which will make using R (and getting it to work in the first place) significantly easier, and it's not far away.
    All I can say right now is: stay tuned for the next Studio release coming very soon ;)

  • Steve_P
    Steve_P New Altair Community Member
    Hi Marco,

    That's good news.  Thanks for the heads up.

  • Marco_Boeck
    Marco_Boeck New Altair Community Member

    the new Studio release 6.4.0 is now live. I suggest downloading the all new OSX application and then searching our Marketplace for "R Scripting". This is the new extension which allows you to integrate R scripts into your process workflow without much hassle.
    The old R Extension is no longer supported going forward from Studio 6.4 and will only remain for Studio 6.3 and earlier.
