Radoop operator for Rapidminer

New Altair Community Member
Please help me how to access the data from mongodb using rapidminer tool.
how to download the Radoop operators for rapidminer.
how to download the Radoop operators for rapidminer.
How are you planning to use this mongo db data? Is it just to read final processing results?
To read the data and convert to an ExampleSet will be suitable for you? Nevertheless, you can read the data from mongodb to csv, using this application:
After to be converted to CSV, Rapidminer is able to deal with this. You can automate everything with a run script and read csv operators.
Best Regards,
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Just to clarify mbeckmann's answer, you can run the linked tool with RapidMiner's Execute Program operator, and then read the resulting CSV file with Read CSV. To my knowledge there is no usable JDBC driver for monbodb, so that is probably the best solution.
Best regards,
Marius0 -
hi Chenchu,
As of now Radoop is offered as a licensed product only. You can request a trial of 15 days from your Rapidminer Contact to try it our. Message me privately if you need assistance finding your Rapidminer Contact
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you can download Radoop for free now