"Extract performance as a macro"

edited November 5 in Community Q&A
Hi ,

Is there any way to extract performance as a macro ? so I can print it on screen ?

and there's something else I'm wondering how it works ! how can we use multiple performance criteria in optimization operator ? which criteria this operator would use ?



  • MariusHelf
    MariusHelf New Altair Community Member

    it is not yet possible to extract performances as a macro, but RapidMiner 5.3 will feature a Performance to Data operator, which will transform performances to an example set, from which you can then extract the macros you need.

    Concerning the optimization: in the specialized performance operators (e.g. Performance (Classification)) you can select the main criterion in the first parameter. The one you select there will be used for optimization.
    When you use the Performance operator (without any additions to the name), the first criterion you see in the results view is used for optimization.

    Best regards,