Recreating far field pattern from datasheets

Sebastian Nestle
Sebastian Nestle Altair Community Member
edited October 2024 in Community Q&A

Hello everyone, I was wondering if it is somehow possible to recreate the far field of a specific patch Antenna using its technical datasheet. I managed to recreate the 3D radiation pattern using AMAN by recreating the 2D horizontal and vertical radiation patterns from the datasheet and then converting both to a 3D pattern. I can't use this information, however, to recreate this specific pattern in CADfeko using the far field source option. Is there any other way this can be accomplished?



  • Zeina
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2024

    Hi Sebastian,

    The 3D radiation pattern generated in AMAN contains the total gain values only. FEKO needs additionally  the radiation data for the theta and phi components, this is the reason why it cannot be used.

    One way is to try to reverse engineer the antenna in FEKO if you have information about the type of antenna that is in the datasheet. Accordingly, you can use one of the antenna models in the Component Library in CADFEKO that has the closest radiation pattern to that in the datasheet, then proceed to optimizing it according to the specs in the datasheet.

    Best Regards,




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