Rapid miner does not display any errors still fails

New Altair Community Member
Hi All,
Though I am new here, I have used out web scrapping software with ease, reason being, I am able to pin point any issue using the logs. Here I am finding it very difficult to get it through. I referred to the video to do a simple scrapping from the site:
I hope its a simple web crawler, but I am not getting any error message as well. Can anyone please help me with that? I also dont see the green dot below glowing.
Here is my xml code:
Dec 26, 2012 1:07:05 PM WARNING: Operator recommendations unavailable: Failed to access the WSDL at: http://recommender.rapid-i.com:80/OperatorRecommenderService/RecommenderService?wsdl. It failed with:
Network is unreachable: connect.
Though I am new here, I have used out web scrapping software with ease, reason being, I am able to pin point any issue using the logs. Here I am finding it very difficult to get it through. I referred to the video to do a simple scrapping from the site:
I hope its a simple web crawler, but I am not getting any error message as well. Can anyone please help me with that? I also dont see the green dot below glowing.
Here is my xml code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>Another issue with JAVA:
<process version="5.2.008">
<operator activated="true" class="process" compatibility="5.2.008" expanded="true" name="Process">
<parameter key="logverbosity" value="all"/>
<parameter key="logfile" value="D:\Rapidminer\Scrape.txt"/>
<parameter key="parallelize_main_process" value="true"/>
<process expanded="true" height="145" width="145">
<operator activated="true" class="web:crawl_web" compatibility="5.2.003" expanded="true" height="60" name="Crawl Web" width="90" x="45" y="75">
<parameter key="url" value="http://www.altusinsite.com/index_en.php?page=searchengine&amp;attri_40_1641=4230&amp;attri_20_11[]=920&amp;attri_20_11[]=921&amp;attri_20_11[]=922&amp;location=Greater+Vancouver+/+Downtown+Vancouver&amp;UpdateCompany2=&amp;format=&amp;contact=&amp;attri_40_1740_1=1&amp;attri_40_1740_2=100,000&amp;searchbasicbtn1=Find+Space"/>
<list key="crawling_rules">
<parameter key="store_with_matching_url" value=".+suiteid.+"/>
<parameter key="follow_link_with_matching_url" value=".+pagenum.+|.+suiteid.+"/>
<parameter key="output_dir" value="D:\Rapidminer"/>
<parameter key="extension" value="html"/>
<parameter key="max_depth" value="1"/>
<parameter key="delay" value="100"/>
<parameter key="user_agent" value="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0"/>
<parameter key="really_ignore_exclusion" value="true"/>
<connect from_op="Crawl Web" from_port="Example Set" to_port="result 1"/>
<portSpacing port="source_input 1" spacing="0"/>
<portSpacing port="sink_result 1" spacing="0"/>
<portSpacing port="sink_result 2" spacing="0"/>
Dec 26, 2012 1:07:05 PM WARNING: Operator recommendations unavailable: Failed to access the WSDL at: http://recommender.rapid-i.com:80/OperatorRecommenderService/RecommenderService?wsdl. It failed with:
Network is unreachable: connect.