Composite Stresses

Alejandro Flores
Alejandro Flores Altair Community Member
edited January 2022 in Community Q&A

Good morning.

I am facing a problem that I believe has an easy answer, which I was not able to find so far.

I am analysis a panel made of different kinds of composite materials. The allowable that I have from my client is for shear and HyperView gives to possible results for that:

- Maximum Shear Stress

- Shear XY Stress

The one that maker more sense to me is the Shear XY Stress compared to the strain values, for example. They "go" in the same way, once the strain decreases, the Shear XY Stress decreases too.

The opposite happens for the Maximum Shear Stress.

Am I correct to assume the Shear XY stress is the result that I should be using?

Also, the difference between the two answers is big, as can be seen in the following image (left is Maximum Shear Stress, right is Shear XY Stress).


