apriori algorithm

shruti New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
include apriori in rapid miner and how to compare assosiation rules for intrusion detection.


  • Skirzynski
    Skirzynski New Altair Community Member
    You can use "FP-Growth" + "Create Association Rules" instead of Apriori.
  • shruti
    shruti New Altair Community Member
      how to compare those assosiation rules(training and tested data) generated for intrusion detection.


  • Skirzynski
    Skirzynski New Altair Community Member
    I don't know what do you mean with "compare for intrusion detection", but there is a "Apply Association Rules" operator which can be helpful for you.
  • shruti
    shruti New Altair Community Member
    i want to know how to compare assosiation rules generated for training and testing data.

  • usct01
    usct01 New Altair Community Member
    Is there any documentation describing the process operators in detail, like algorithm used, source code, variation example etc.

    I know each process operator shows some details in wiki links but that seems inadequate.
    I am interested in Text Mining and decision trees specifically

  • Marco_Boeck
    Marco_Boeck New Altair Community Member

    you can expect vastly improved operator documentation soon™ ;)
    If you need even more information, I'm afraid you will need to check the source code of the operators themselves.

  • shruti
    shruti New Altair Community Member
    how to check the source code of operators themselves and how the new operators are created.
  • Skirzynski
    Skirzynski New Altair Community Member
    On our Sourceforge site you can checkout the source code of RapidMiner (current version is Unuk) and several extensions/plugins via subversion. To learn how to create new operators you can study the source code (escpecially the packages com.rapidminer.operator.*) or buy our "How to Extend RapidMiner 5.0" white paper.

  • yahya_ardi88
    yahya_ardi88 New Altair Community Member
    Marcin wrote:

    You can use "FP-Growth" + "Create Association Rules" instead of Apriori.
    Sorry, i am newbie for rapidminer. I want study from all of you.
    I want use rapidminer for my research about association (market business analysis), actually apriori algorithm.

    1. what's the difference between W-Apriori and FP-Growth + Create Asspciation Rule? Where the easiest for studied?
    2. Have you tutorial (video/ articles about Market Business Analysis using Apriori Algorithm in Rapidminer)?
  • haddock
    haddock New Altair Community Member
    Hi there,

    In answer to question 1:

    There is no difference in the output of the FPGrowth algorithm and the a Priori algorithm, both produce the same frequent item sets from the same inputs. Both are moronically simple to understand, see wikipedia for details.

    In answer to question 2:


    Best wishes

  • yahya_ardi88
    yahya_ardi88 New Altair Community Member
    haddock wrote:

    Hi there,

    In answer to question 1:

    There is no difference in the output of the FPGrowth algorithm and the a Priori algorithm, both produce the same frequent item sets from the same inputs. Both are moronically simple to understand, see wikipedia for details.

    In answer to question 2:


    Best wishes

    Thanks for the answer.