Optistruct NLGEOM contact with gap, error#4002, error#4079

Hye Everybody,
I've been struggling in NLGEOM analysis with error#4002, error#4079. I want try implicit contact with gap, and gap will not very close to another contact object.
The gap will over the autoly gap calculation by optistruct from all of the PCONT,PCNTX7,IGAP methods.
I use NLGEOM because i want to control the analysis process by TABLED1, i found control the analysis process not succeed in NLSTAT but in NLGEOM in ver14.0.
I want to know how to set up successfully with your kindly help.
ERROR Message :
Model information :
Thank you,
Ted xiao
you should be using the other LGDISP setup for OptiStruct. This setup you're using is a quite old one, and it was discontinued. (it call Radioss in the background).
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Hye Sir,
Thank you for your reply!!
May i realize that "contact with initial gap" and "controlling analysis process by TABLED1" can't implement in optistruct 14.0 simultaneously ?
- My "initial gap" means, over the detection of optistruct self-calculation. (PCONT,PCNTX7,IGAP)
- I understand NLGEOM will use RADIOSS solver with optistruct GUI.
Why i'm not using NLSTAT+LGDISP :
- Because my optistruct version is only update to 14.0. So the methods to implement of LGDISP+CONTACT is only NLGEOM and NLSTAT. And the reason of i use NLGEOM :
1) Only NLGEOM can achieve controling analysis process by TABLED1.
2) NLGEOM have the plot of iteration process, NLSTAT only have the end result.
Thank you,
Ted xiao
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Hye Sir,
I giving the fem. file with attachment.
Hope someone to do me a favor. : )
And another question.
Can i solve issue if i update to newest optistruct version ?
Thank you,
Ted xiao