"Clustering different models"

Ozone New Altair Community Member
edited November 5 in Community Q&A

I create classification models for about 1000 datasets. Now I want to find similarities or clusters in these models.

My models are decision trees. So I am looking for an operator that compares features and tresholds used in my trees to build some clusters out of my 1000 trees?!

Could anyone help me with telling if this is possible and what is the operator?



  • Fabian_Wewers
    Fabian_Wewers New Altair Community Member
    Hi Ozone,

    may it be possible for you to log the threshold and features with the operator "Log"? Afterwards you could use the operator "Log to Data", create an exampleset and use every clustering method which rapidminer offers.
    I hope my comment will support your project :-)

  • Ozone
    Ozone New Altair Community Member
    Thanks for your answer!

    I totally understand your advice but I don't think that there is any possibility to log a model tree structure (features & tresholds)....

  • Andrew2
    Andrew2 New Altair Community Member

    You could write the model out as a PMML or XML file then read it back in and use XPATH to query the nodes.

    Not for the faint of heart.

