Non linear static analysis with hyperelastic material

Hello Everyone,
I have to find out load vs deflection curve of a component made up of rubber (load is compressive). For the material creation I have stress strain curve for tension as well as compression. Can Anyone tell me how to define this case.
I have tried following attempts-
1. NLGEOM case with MATS1 material(elastic,and defined for compression and tension in third and first quadrant) - Gave me an error : ISTOP=-2 Radioss implicit stopped due to time limit.
2. NLGEOM case with mats1 material (Plastic with compressive data defined in first quadrant as required for plastic case) Gave me an error which reads : the plastic material data specified on TABLES1 bulk data entry is invalid. Slope after initial yield point is not less than Young's Modules.
3. Case NLSTAT with MATHE as material data with compression as well as tension curve. Error reads : TABLES1 bulk data has a segment that corrosponds to zero or negative hardening.
Can Anyone tell me
1. how do I get rid of these errors?
2. what is the correct approach if I have compresssive and tensile test data for Rubber material definition?
Hi Bharat,
have you tried with type= NLELAST with curves in both 1st and 3rd quadrants?
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Hello Prakash,
Yes I have tried but it gives error with ISTOP=-2.
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Hi Bharat,
Check if there are any modelling errors in your model.
If the model is no issue with modelling, try increasing NINC in NLPARM.
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Hello Prakash,
yes it seems to be the convergence issue,and I had my stress strain curve wrong.
Now I am getting some answers which match with experimental data.
Thank you and regards,
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Please Can you help me in sharing some example files for this issue ,i am also trying to solve similar type of problem