Start/Stop Plotting Button

New Altair Community Member
Hi Guys,
The plotting functions in RM are amazing. However, when working with large amounts of data say 10k+ examples, plots often take very long to complete. When browsing through plot types you can accidentally select a plot type and it will start plotting. The parallel plot takes an especially a long time to complete with many examples and attributes.
I propose an execute plotting option where one can either automatically plot, or execute a plotting on command. A kill plotting command is also needed if something is taking too long.
Right now I just kill RM when a plot is taking too long to complete.
The plotting functions in RM are amazing. However, when working with large amounts of data say 10k+ examples, plots often take very long to complete. When browsing through plot types you can accidentally select a plot type and it will start plotting. The parallel plot takes an especially a long time to complete with many examples and attributes.
I propose an execute plotting option where one can either automatically plot, or execute a plotting on command. A kill plotting command is also needed if something is taking too long.
Right now I just kill RM when a plot is taking too long to complete.

sounds reasonable. I'll add a feature request to