Bug tracker

Marin New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
    I propose few features for the bug tracker, in order we can more easily report bugs:
-embedded in this forum / RM application
-ability to post more detailed reports. Since I am not good with computers I don't know the terminology and find it difficult to phrase and describe the problem with mere words. If I could be able to also post screenshots I feel it might be more user friendly
-MORE detailed CHANGES.txt, that track changes between each version. Also, that these can be seen through RM application, or at least in a sticky forum thread. This would be useful for two reasons
    1. save time for bug reporting / feature requests
    2. help in a way that it would be obvious what has been changed. ATM I am looking at solution of few situations in RM and I see version changes. I can't help with these if I don't know whether something on the topic has been changed and to what extent



  • fischer
    fischer New Altair Community Member

    - As far as I know there is no way to integrate the forum with the bug tracker and I have no idea how that would look like.

    - Screenshots can easily be attached to the bug tracker

    - Future versions of RapidMiner will directly talk to BugZilla

    - The CHANGES.txt is being updated.

  • Preko
    Preko New Altair Community Member

    I also have a problem with the bug tracker, namely that nothing is happening there.
    I have reported a bug 4 weeks ago and another a week ago and they are still in status "new" and it seems that nobody has even read them. I was willing to fix one of the issues myself, but at least a short response would be nice.
  • fischer
    fischer New Altair Community Member

    I don't know why you think that nobody has read them. If you are referring to #434 or #438 I didn't see any hint in the comment that you are willing to contribute anything. If you are, you are very welcome to do so. You can also contact me by personal mail for details.

  • Preko
    Preko New Altair Community Member

    In other projects' bug tracking system, the status "NEW" is changed after the first read to something more meaningful and priorities, assignees and other fields are set up properly (as I have probably misused some fields). This is why I thought that nobody has read them, but I am happy you did.

    I will send an email regarding those bugs.

    Best, Zoltan