rapidminer 4.5

New Altair Community Member
Hi Mamalit,
Thank you for copying your email to the forum. However, I'm afraid I still can't give you any better answer unless you ask an actual question. You can download RapidMiner here:
and Eclipse plus documentation here:
Tutorials, seminars, and webinars are available here:
Mr Simon0 -
i want to change view of rapidminer 5.how i can access gui to change it.and where is algorithm of rapidminer,i want change it to my own algorithm.can i have chat with u mr simon?0 -
unfortunately we can't offer free chat for our users. We would simply never find time to work. But we offering a huge variety of consulting, including development consulting, so you might be interested in this.
If you are going to add your own operators, please refer to the White Paper: How to extend RapidMiner available in our shop. It gives you in detail explanations, samples as well as a complete extension framework for your own code.
You can add perspectives or change the window configuration in the initGui method of the PluginInit class of your extension. Take a look in the Mainframe class of RapidMiner to get an idea how to modify the dockables.