"Correlation Based Feature Selection"

od New Altair Community Member
edited 2024 05 in Community Q&A

I want to perform Correlation Based Feature Selection in Rapidminer but there are Two ways PERFORMANCE(CFS) and Weight by Correlation
can somebody tell me about which one is the right one Or tell me some link to read about boht becasue Performance(CFS) gives just numeric value and i dont know why is it for but the weight by correlation gives a list of attributes with different weights.

Hope to see your reply soon :)


  • haddock
    haddock New Altair Community Member

    You've posted the same question four times and not got an answer - perhaps because it is difficult to reply without appearing rude. The bottom line is that if you understood what a performance operator does then you would not have asked your question even once. If you go through the samples it is almost impossible to avoid performance operators, and you have already been  advised you to examine the samples, by me, here...
