"RM 5.5 No meta data from 'Read Database' import operator"

kgutzmann1984 New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
After updating to RM 5.0.5 (April 20), previously working processes no longer show the meta data when hovering over the output connector for a database import operator (specifically 'Read Database' connected to a mySQL source).  'Stream Database' never did get metadata,anyway and that has not changed.  However, the lack of metadata affects everything downstream, from 'Select Attributes' 'Set Role' and so on.

I wanted to revert to the prior version, but there are no back versions available on sourceforge between RM RC5 and now RM 5.0.5.  Where do the intermediate versions go/live? 

So, I have reverted to RM RC5, and everything works.  Just an aside, it appears the RM5.0.5 is more memory-hungry, as it will run out of memory on the same datasets that RC5 handles successfully (1.1 GB VM).



RM 5.0.5
Vista SP2 32 bit
Intel Core-2 Duo
3GB memory
1.1 GB JVM
Java 6 update 18


  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    I cannot reproduce this behavior in my version. Did you test your connection settings? What's the error message? The operator will give a warning with a reason, why the communication with the data base has failed.

  • cthiel
    cthiel New Altair Community Member

    could this be related to bug 367, which also has the result of killing metadata for a SQL quera?:

  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    we are currently revising the read operators, this problem will be fixed with one of the next updates. Unfortunately the feelings about the memory consumption where quite correct. Large data with many nominal values could cause the system to hang, because it created a ResultPreview consisting of a mega byte long html description. This has been fixed with version .006.
