Space Vector PWM

Emmanuel_20824 Altair Community Member
edited May 2023 in Community Q&A

I am a student and I study voltage inverters with the PSIM software provided by our university.

I would like if anyone would know the internal schema of one of the SVPWM blocks pre-provided by PSIM.

This oneimage or this image 

Indeed, in the Help menu I only get the explanation of how the block works, the diagram would be used to do the assembly.

Thank you in advance for your answers.



Best Answer

  • Rhonda_20369
    Rhonda_20369 New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2023 Answer ✓

    Hi, Emmanuel,

    In the "Help", the math equations and vector diagrams are also provided to explain the principle of operation.

    Please clarify "the diagram would be used to do the assembly." 

    Do you want to build a circuit to implement the same functions?





  • Rhonda_20369
    Rhonda_20369 New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2023 Answer ✓

    Hi, Emmanuel,

    In the "Help", the math equations and vector diagrams are also provided to explain the principle of operation.

    Please clarify "the diagram would be used to do the assembly." 

    Do you want to build a circuit to implement the same functions?




  • Emmanuel_20824
    Emmanuel_20824 Altair Community Member
    edited May 2023

    Hi, Emmanuel,

    In the "Help", the math equations and vector diagrams are also provided to explain the principle of operation.

    Please clarify "the diagram would be used to do the assembly." 

    Do you want to build a circuit to implement the same functions?




    Hi, Rhonda,

    Thanks you for your answer.

    Yes, I would like to build a circuit to implement the same functions instead of using the already ready-made SVPWM block.

    Indeed, I read the "Help" that explains how it works.



  • Albert_Dunford
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2023

    Hi Emmanuel,

    In general PSIM implements the algorithms for the TI DMC library page 193 (pdf page 197) gets into the theory.

    If you go through the math you end up with something like this.


    in the DC-AC example folder there is a multi-level implementation with level shift



  • Emmanuel_20824
    Emmanuel_20824 Altair Community Member
    edited May 2023

    Hi Emmanuel,

    In general PSIM implements the algorithms for the TI DMC library page 193 (pdf page 197) gets into the theory.

    If you go through the math you end up with something like this.


    in the DC-AC example folder there is a multi-level implementation with level shift



    Hi Albert,

    Thank you for your reply. I was able to implement the SVPWM block.

    So with that, I applied the Clarke transformation to do the implementation with Alpha and Beta input which are out of phase by 90°.
    Thank you.
