Problem with Rapid Miner Installation on (K)Ubuntu Jaunty 94.

New Altair Community Member
I'm tring to run RM on Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04(64 bit) with Kde 4.3.2.
Whenever I launch rapid miner, both with script(RapidMinerGUI) and java(java -jar ...), the execution stops immediately.
The window of rapid miner doesn't crash and remains open with the string "Creating Frame".
Only after 30-40 minutes rapid miner finally opens.
An example execution is below:
Furthermore, the same thing happens with all rapid miner version: 4.2-4.6 and also with beta version.
Any help on this would be appreciated,
I'm tring to run RM on Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04(64 bit) with Kde 4.3.2.
Whenever I launch rapid miner, both with script(RapidMinerGUI) and java(java -jar ...), the execution stops immediately.
The window of rapid miner doesn't crash and remains open with the string "Creating Frame".
Only after 30-40 minutes rapid miner finally opens.
An example execution is below:
I already adjusted the JAVA_HOME and RAPIDMINER_HOME and I installed java6 (sun-java6) correctly.
Starting RapidMiner from '/home/rp/Documents/rapidminer-4.6', using classes from '/home/rp/Documents/rapidminer-4.6/lib/rapidminer.jar'...
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: rapidminer.home is '/home/rp/Documents/rapidminer-4.6'.
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: ----------------------------------------------------
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Initialization Settings
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: ----------------------------------------------------
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Default system encoding for IO: UTF-8
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Load core operators...
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Load Weka operators: true
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Load JDBC drivers from lib directory: true
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Load JDBC drivers from classpath: false
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Load plugins: true
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Load plugins from '/home/rp/Documents/rapidminer-4.6/lib/plugins'
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: ----------------------------------------------------
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Read rcfile '/home/rp/Documents/rapidminer-4.6/etc/rapidminerrc'.
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Trying rcfile '/home/rp/Documents/rapidminer-4.6/etc/rapidminerrc.Linux'...skipped
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Trying rcfile '/home/rp/.rapidminer/4_6_0_rapidminerrc'...skipped
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Read rcfile '/home/rp/.rapidminer/4_6_0_rapidminerrc.Linux'.
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Trying rcfile '/home/rp/Documents/rapidminer-4.6/scripts/rapidminerrc'...skipped
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Trying rcfile '/home/rp/Documents/rapidminer-4.6/scripts/rapidminerrc.Linux'...skipped
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:20 PM: Trying rapidminer.rcfile. Property not specified...skipped
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:21 PM: Loading operators from 'operators.xml'.
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:29 PM: Loading JDBC driver information from 'etc:jdbc_properties.xml'.
G Dec 19, 2009 2:38:29 PM: Loading renderers from 'ioobjects.xml'.
When execution stops for 30-40 minutes.
Furthermore, the same thing happens with all rapid miner version: 4.2-4.6 and also with beta version.
Any help on this would be appreciated,
this is stange. I am using Kubuntu 9.10, and it works without a problem.
What exactly do you mean by "the execution stops immediately"? Do you mean it hangs?
Are you by any chance a developer? If yes, could you run RapidMiner in debug mode (e.g. from inside Eclipse), suspend all threads that are running, foremost the AWT event queue, and tell me in which line of code it is hanging?
Simon0 -
Hi Simon,
thanks for the reply.
Yes, it hangs and for 30-40 minutes it (apparently) does nothing, then program starts.
I'm a developer but I only have to use rapid miner for another project in C++. So, I am not sure to have the time to run RapidMiner in debug mode.
However, it's really stange...commandline version works without problems.
Mino0 -
Hi again,
it seems next to impossible to track this problem from here. If you would like to help us to find out what is going on, you could try to debug RapidMiner either from inside Eclipse or another IDE (easy if one is installed) or using the slightly clumsy command line debugger which comes with Java.
To that end, first run RapidMiner in debug mode:
$ java -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=localhost:40000,server=y,suspend=n -jar lib/rapidminer.jar
Then, attach the debugger on another console:
$ jdb -attach localhost:40000
(Change the port number if 40000 is occupied for any reason on your system)
When RapidMiner hangs ("Creating Frame"), go to the debugger's command line interface and do the following:
1. Type "threads" to dump a list of threads. Copy this list and post it here.
2. Type "suspend" to suspend all threads.
3. For all lists in the dumped thread list, type "where THREAD_ID". The thread id is the hex number in the first column (e.g. "0xc08"). The most important ones are the threads named "AWT-EventQueue-0" and "main". Copy the stack trace and post it here.
This is a bit of work, but it is the only idea I have for finding out what is going on.