"RM doesnt start on Debian"

Legacy User
Legacy User New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
If I run  java -jar lib/rapidminer.jar or scripts/RapidMinerGUI RM crashes.

This is the CLI output:

drzel@amd64:~/rapidminer-4.4$ java -jar lib/rapidminer.jar
Header Chunk. Image width:266 height:67 depth:8 color type:6 compression type:0 filter type:0 interlace:0
Header Chunk. Image width:432 height:350 depth:8 color type:2 compression type:0 filter type:0 interlace:0
Header Chunk. Image width:16 height:16 depth:8 color type:6 compression type:0 filter type:0 interlace:0
Header Chunk. Image width:24 height:24 depth:8 color type:6 compression type:0 filter type:0 interlace:0
Header Chunk. Image width:32 height:32 depth:8 color type:6 compression type:0 filter type:0 interlace:0
Header Chunk. Image width:48 height:48 depth:8 color type:6 compression type:0 filter type:0 interlace:0
Header Chunk. Image width:64 height:64 depth:8 color type:6 compression type:0 filter type:0 interlace:0
Header Chunk. Image width:128 height:128 depth:8 color type:6 compression type:0 filter type:0 interlace:0
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:00 AM: Property rapidminer.home is not set. Guessing.
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:00 AM: Trying parent directory of '/home/drzel/rapidminer-4.4/lib/rapidminer.jar'...gotcha!
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:00 AM: Trying base directory of classes (build) 'failed
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:00 AM: ----------------------------------------------------
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Initialization Settings
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: ----------------------------------------------------
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Default system encoding for IO: UTF-8
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Load core operators...
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Load Weka operators: true
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Load JDBC drivers from lib directory: true
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Load JDBC drivers from classpath: false
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Load plugins: true
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Load plugins from '/home/drzel/rapidminer-4.4/lib/plugins'
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: ----------------------------------------------------
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Read rcfile '/home/drzel/rapidminer-4.4/etc/rapidminerrc'.
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Trying rcfile '/home/drzel/rapidminer-4.4/etc/rapidminerrc.Linux'...skipped
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Trying rcfile '/home/drzel/.rapidminer/4_4_0_rapidminerrc'...skipped
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Trying rcfile '/home/drzel/.rapidminer/4_4_0_rapidminerrc.Linux'...skipped
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Trying rcfile '/home/drzel/rapidminer-4.4/rapidminerrc'...skipped
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Trying rcfile '/home/drzel/rapidminer-4.4/rapidminerrc.Linux'...skipped
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:01 AM: Trying rapidminer.rcfile. Property not specified...skipped
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:16 AM: Loading operators from 'operators.xml'.
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:57 AM: Loading JDBC driver information from 'etc:jdbc_properties.xml'.
G 30-Apr-09 1:42:58 AM: [Error] Cannot initialize XML serialization. Probably the libraries 'xstream.jar' and 'xpp.jar' were not provided. XML serialization will not work!
Exception in thread "main" java.security.InvalidParameterException: unsupported key size: 21
  at gnu.javax.crypto.jce.key.SecretKeyGeneratorImpl.engineInit(libgcj.so.90)
  at javax.crypto.KeyGenerator.init(libgcj.so.90)
  at com.rapidminer.tools.cipher.KeyGeneratorTool.createAndStoreKey(KeyGeneratorTool.java:66)
  at com.rapidminer.RapidMiner.init(RapidMiner.java:318)
  at com.rapidminer.RapidMiner.init(RapidMiner.java:234)
  at com.rapidminer.RapidMiner.init(RapidMiner.java:411)
  at com.rapidminer.gui.RapidMinerGUI.run(RapidMinerGUI.java:163)
  at com.rapidminer.gui.RapidMinerGUI.main(RapidMinerGUI.java:614)

I adjusted the JAVA_HOME in scripts/RpidMinerGUI to:


xstream.jar is there:
drzel@amd64:~/rapidminer-4.4$ locate xstream.jar

xpp.jar is not there, but:
drzel@amd64:~/rapidminer-4.4$ locate xpp2.jar

Maybe there is a package missing?

i A java-common                    - Grundlage aller Java-Pakete                                                 
i A java-gcj-compat                - Java-Laufzeitumgebung unter Verwendung von                                   
i A java-gcj-compat-headless        - Java-Laufzeitumgebung unter Verwendung von                                   
i  java-gcj-compat-plugin          - Web browser plugin to execute Java (tm) ap                                   
i A libbackport-util-concurrent-jav - backport of java.util.concurrent to Java 1                                   
i A libbcel-java                    - Analyse, Erzeugung und Handhabung (binärer                                   
i A libcairo-java                  - Java bindings for Cairo                                                     
i A libcairo-java-gcj              - Java bindings for Cairo (native code for u                                   
i A libcommons-beanutils-java      - utility for manipulating JavaBeans                                           
i A libcommons-codec-java          - encoder and decoders such as Base64 and he                                   
i A libcommons-collections3-java    - Sammlung allgem. Datentyp-Schnittstellen u                                   
i A libcommons-digester-java        - Rule based XML Java object mapping tool                                     
i A libcommons-logging-java        - commmon wrapper interface for several logg                                   
p  libconcurrent-java-doc          - documentation and javadoc api for libconcu
i A libdb-je-java                  - Oracle Berkeley Database Java Edition
i A libdb4.6-java                  - Berkeley v4.6 Database Libraries for Java
i A libdb4.6-java-gcj              - Berkeley v4.6 Database Libraries for Java
i A libdom4j-java                  - flexible XML framework for Java
i  libgconf-java                  - Java bindings for GConf
i A libgconf-java-gcj              - Java bindings for GConf (native code for u
i A libglib-java                    - Java bindings for GLib
i A libglib-java-gcj                - Java bindings for GLib (native code for us
i  libgtk-java                    - Java bindings for GTK+
i A libgtk-java-gcj                - Java bindings for GTK+ (native code for us
i A libhsqldb-java                  - Java-SQL-Datenbank-Programm
i A libhsqldb-java-gcj              - Java SQL database engine (native code)
i A libjaxen-java                  - Java XPath engine
i A libjaxme-java                  - implementation of the JAXB specification f
i A libjaxp1.3-java                - Java XML parser and transformer APIs (DOM,
i A libjaxp1.3-java-gcj            - Java XML parser and transformer APIs (DOM,
p  libjboss-reflect-java          - JBoss Reflection api for ClassInfo and Bea
i  libjdbm-java                    - transactional persistence engine for Java
i A libjdom1-java                  - leichtgewichtige und schnelle XML-Biblioth
i A libjline-java                  - Java-Bibliothek für die Bearbeitung von Ko
i A libjtidy-java                  - a Java port of HTML Tidy, a HTML syntax ch
i A liblog4j1.2-java                - Bibliothek zum Loggen für Java
i A liblucene2-java                - Full-text search engine library for Java(T
i A libmx4j-java                    - Eine Open-Source-Implementierung der JMX(T
i  libqt3-java                    - Java bindings for Qt
i A libregexp-java                  - Java-Bibliothek für reguläre Ausdrücke
i A libsaxonb-java                  - The Saxon-B XSLT Processor
i A libservlet2.3-java              - Java-Klassen und Dokumentation für Servlet
i A libservlet2.4-java              - Servlet 2.4 und JSP 2.0: Java-Klassen und
p  libswidgets-java                - various swing gui controls java library
i  libswing-layout-java            - Extensions to Swing layout
i  libswingx-java                  - extensions to the Swing GUI toolkit
i A libxerces2-java                - Validierender XML-Parser für Java mit Unte
i A libxerces2-java-gcj            - Validating XML parser for Java with DOM le
i  libxml-security-java            - implementation of security standards for X
i A libxom-java                    - A new XML object model for Java
i  libxp-java                      - XML 1.0 parser for Java
i A libxpp2-java                    - XML pull parser library for java V2
i A libxpp3-java                    - XML pull parser library for java
i  libxstream-java                - Java library to serialize objects to XML a
i A openoffice.org-java-common      - full-featured office productivity suite --
i A plasma-scriptengine-javascript  - javascript script engine for Plasma
i  sun-java5-bin                  - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0
i A sun-java5-jre                  - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0
i  sun-java6-bin                  - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (
i  sun-java6-jdk                  - Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6
i A sun-java6-jre                  - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (

This happened on both 32-bit debian lenny 5.0 and 64-bit lenny.

Or is this really an unsupported like the message suggested?

Exception in thread "main" java.security.InvalidParameterException: unsupported key size: 21
  at gnu.javax.crypto.jce.key.SecretKeyGeneratorImpl.engineInit(libgcj.so.90)

Plz help

greetz & thx in advance


  • Legacy User
    Legacy User New Altair Community Member
    The solution was:

    as root

    update-alternatives --config java

  • fischer
    fischer New Altair Community Member
    drz wrote:

    as root

    update-alternatives --config java
    This is strange. Can you reconstruct what happened in the first place? Did you change anything from your default installation?

    I am running Kubuntu Intrepid and never had problems, neither with Sun's JDK not with the OpenJDK provided with Intrepid.

    This could help us for future versions.

  • Louffie09
    Louffie09 New Altair Community Member
    Is that true? But, that's what I knew before. Then, if RM doesn't start in Debian, where did it start from?

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