RAPIDminer TRIAL and CLOUD repository

New Altair Community Member
I installed RAPIDminer STUDIO TRIAL and I'd like to test it using the CLOUD repository as data source of retrieving informations? is it available?
Hi Paolo.
The Cloud repository is part of our Cloud offer that can be used to store and manage your data and analysis results online using our Cloud storage.
RapidMiner Cloud Services allow you to easily deploy and run your processes on Amazon EC2 machines. This is a huge advantage as no local computation power is needed and the remote server capacity can easily be adapted to the current requirements. All virtual machines you can request are automatically spawned on demand and terminated when their task has finished. The service is payed on a per-minute basis, where depending on the computing power of the selected virtual machine you are charged a different amount of credits.
Cloud credits can be purchased via our company website. The only prerequisite that is needed is a personal account for rapidminer.com and RapidMiner Studio Version 6.1 which is the first version to support the Cloud Services. Currently a monthly fee has to be payed and credits are available in 100 units per chunk. More information can be found here: https://rapidminer.com/products/cloud