How can I increase the timeout on interaction between Workbench and SLC Hub

Nico Chart_21517
Nico Chart_21517
Altair Employee
edited May 2024 in Altair RapidMiner

Our default timeout settings are set to "30 seconds" and it is possible that some interactions might take longer than 30s at your site.

You can try experimenting with different timeout values as follows:

Edit the file C:\Program Files\Altair\Analytics Workbench\2024\eclipse\workbench.ini and add the following lines:



-DserverStartupTimeout - The maximum number of seconds to wait for a server/engine to start up.
-DhubGeneralTimeout - The maximum number of seconds to wait for general requests to the hub.
-DhubWebdavTimeout - The maximum number of seconds to wait for webdav requests to the hub connection or SLC session filesystem.
-DhubSlcSessionTimeout - The maximum number of seconds to wait for requests to a hub SLC session.

Defaults are 30 seconds. "600" would represent a 5 minute wait.

You can test the values without editing the workbench.ini file by starting the Workbench from the Windows CMD tool though you need the entire contents of the workbench.ini file (and your additional –D options) something like this:

"C:\Program Files\Altair\Analytics Workbench\2024\eclipse\workbench" -startup plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.6.400.v20210924-0641.jar --launcher.library plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64_1.2.500.v20220509-0833 --launcher.defaultAction openFile –vm ../jre/bin -vmargs -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true –Xmx1G -Declipse.log.size.max=10240 -Dosgi.dataAreaRequiresExplicitInit=true<> -DserverStartupTimeout=600 -DhubGeneralTimeout=600 -DhubWebdavTimeout=600 -DhubSlcSessionTimeout=600