How do I define an HTML custom style in theTEMPLATE procedure?

Nico Chart_21517
Nico Chart_21517
Altair Employee
edited September 2023 in Altair RapidMiner

An HTML custom style is defined using the TEMPLATE procedure. For example,

proc template;
define style styles.custom;
parent = styles.default;
class SystemTitle /
foreground = red
class body /
foreground = black
class data /
foreground = green
/* background = purple */

Once the style is compiled it is placed in an itemstore in SASUSER and can then be subsequently used in SAS language programs of the form:

ods html body = 'body.html' style = styles.custom;
title "10 observations from SASHELP.ZIPCODE using custom style";
proc print data=sashelp.zipcode(obs=10);
ods _all_ close;
