Topology optimization. minimizing compliance for specified volume fraction

In topology optimization when minimizing compliance for specified volume fraction, the maximum deflection of optimized structure is less than the maximum deflection of original structure?
based on this formula
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
For constant F when compliance is minimized U( deflection) should be minimized and vice versa. but in this formula volume fraction is not considered.
I don't understand the concept of minimum compliance. The compliance of the optimized structure which is lighter than the original structure (since some material is removed from it) is even less than the original structure??!!
the equation can be re-written as C= F[K]-1F where for a constant force only Stiffness can be changed. in which case, Volume fraction is an other entity of response.
Again, A final optimization can then fine tune the design at the boundaries and hence allow local stiffening for reducing stresses.
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Hi can anyone tell me what is the term exist in combined compliance index just before lamda (eigen value) after w_i
i mean S=Sum w_i C_i+NORM sum (w_i (?) lamda_i)/ sum w_i
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Hi First thank you for you reply..
I mentioned compliance index formulation..there is l like term which i couldnt understand..
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what is the variable, T, in the equation?
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Altair Forum User said:
what is the variable, T, in the equation?
T is not a variable, it is the Transpose of matrix U.
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Hello ,
Is that possible to have many constrains with respect to many load case for topology optimization targeting for weight reduction ?