CFD Mass Flow Rate at Outlet instead of Inlet?

I'm trying to simulate air flow through a forced induction air intake (air is pulled, not pushed through the part). I'm pretty new to SimLab, is there a way to set up the outlet with the mass flow rate and the inlet at atmospheric pressure so that I can simulate the solution and results accurately?
Hello Josh,
There are two approaches I can see beeing used:
Approach 1: Swap i/o positions and have it set as Negative Mass Flow on the Inlet and Pressure on the Outlet.
Approach 2 (Recommended by CFD Experts): Inlet with Stagnation Pressure and define the Outlet as follows:
Pressure + Advanced BC (Mass Flux).
*The Advanced BC can be found at Analysis > Boundary Conditions > Advanced > Advanced BC. The third option is to define Mass Flux.
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Thank you for your response.
I can't get results to flow even close to what I see in your pictures for either approach. Would you be so kind as to show me how you set up the parameters for the inlets and outlets for each approach to see if I can reproduce them?
I'm hoping it will give me a better starting point to go from.
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Hello Josh,
Marc will be helping you on the ticket you have created. This way he can check exatly on your model what is happening.
For the model I've sent the images, please find in attachment a video of the workflow I used to get to those results.
Also, please considering visiting SimLab Learning Center for more informations.
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