Webinar: Leverage the Cloud to Augment Your HPC Power

Victoria Velavicius
Victoria Velavicius
Altair Employee
edited February 2023 in Altair HPCWorks

Productivity drops when users are waiting in long job queues. With seamless cloud bursting, you can scale up during peak times and enable flexible capacity to meet business needs. Join Altair HPC and CAE expert Ian Littlewood to find out how cloud bursting can help your organization. He demonstrates bursting to the cloud with Altair Control™ — a good choice for those with limited on-premises resources. Participants will get answers to questions including: Why burst to the cloud? What do I need to burst to the cloud? How do I configure cloud bursting? What does an automated burst look like? How does this affect the user experience? (Tip: It doesn’t) What does a job and data lifecycle look like? Which cloud use cases are supported? What controls are available for cloud bursting? How do we decide on cloud burstable workload? What is our license model? During the webinar, you’ll hear about node bursting and unbursting, how to configure cloud bursting, and managing the job lifecycle with tools like Altair Access™ and Altair PBS Professional™ — both part of the Altair PBS Works™ workload management suite. You’ll also learn about bursting on various HPC architectures including premises-to-cloud and cloud-to-cloud, and how you can change cloud providers in minutes, with a few simple clicks. Submit the form to view the webinar recording.