EDEM Tutorial 18: Lift and Drag Models

Simulation Files and tutorial PDF download link
EDEM Tutorial 18 - Lift and Drag Models.zip
EDEM Lift and Drag Models tutorial Overview
This tutorial describes how to create a one-way coupled particle-fluid model using the in-built Particle Body Force drag and lift models.
The main focus is on:
- Importing Field Data via the Field Data Manager.
- Using the in-built lift models.
- Using the in-built drag models.
- Using the Steady Velocity Flow feature.
This tutorial is based on the AcuSolve tutorial 'ACU-T: 6101 Particle Separation in a Windshifter using AcuSolve - EDEM Unidirectional Coupling' for more information on creation of the flow field used in this tutorial please review the AcuSolve tutorial.
Tutorial Level
Model Overview
Particle separation in a Windshifter.
Setup - 10 min
Simulation - 5 min
Analysis - 5 min
For further EDEM learning material please see the following links for tutorials , e-learning, training and How-To videos:
- EDEM Tutorials
- New to EDEM? – Check the EDEM eLearning courses
- EDEM online training
- Altair How-To YouTube
For more information about custom drag models pleas see:
- EDEM API Tutorial 4: Field Data Coupling
- EDEM API: Particle Body Force - Field Data Coupling – Choice of Drag Models with Lift Force
- EDEM API: Particle Body Force - Field Data Coupling – Multiple Fields (CUDA)
And for further information and latest updates please see the Altair EDEM Community page: