Modeling and analysis of an actuator (electromagnet)

Altair Employee
edited March 2024 in Altair HyperWorks

Studied device

The studied device includes the following elements:

• a magnetic circuit made up of two ferromagnetic parts (laminated):

  • a fixed part
  • a moving core

• a coil supplied by a 24-volt power supply



Basic EM analysis

All physics definitions of the actuator can be realized with the proposed [MTAxi Workflow] tool bar:



The parameterized model is created with SimLab – Sketcher, and the model can be used for further DOE analysis.



The final physical description is shown below, with a coupled circuit:



After solving the scenario, SimLab can provide some basic post-processing for the EM analysis, including the isovalue visualization and the physical quantity plotting.



Example access

All files corresponding to this example are accessible with this link:

Step to follow:

  • to follow the example step by step, the corresponding files are in "Example_name_StepByStep" folder containing:
    1. Tutorial folder: contains the document describing the example step by step
    2. Input folder: contains *.slb databases and files needed to build the example step by step
  • to play scripts, the corresponding files are in "Example_name_PlayScripts" folder containing:
    1. ScriptsTutorial folder: contains script files to be able to play each analysis
    2. Input folder: contains initial *.slb databases and all necessary files to play each analysis script
