How to print energy variables for elements and contacts with NLERNG card.
Vinaykumar Dhangar_21062
Altair Employee
How to print energy variables for elements and contacts with NLERNG card.
- Energy variables printout for implicit nonlinear static, implicit nonlinear transient analyses, and explicit dynamic analysis can be done using NLENRG card.
- Different continuation line will be used for different energy variable.
- Energy is always output on the fly and can be accessed during analysis.
When to use:
- To understand how model is behaving and to check if different energies like Internal energy, Plastic dissipation energy, static stabilization energy, contact stabilization energy, Hourglass energy are within the limit. This can give user a clue while debugging convergence issues by checking contribution of each entity by analysing these energies.
- For example, if user want to understand part which is moving before making contact, this can be checked by analysing energies contributed by that part. User can also find individual contact pair energies by using NLENRG card.
Steps to follow:
- Go to model browser right click>Load step inputs This will open create analysis parameter window
- In config type select Energy Variable Output
- In frequency field frequency of output can be specified
- In HG field global or individual energy variable output in term of .nlm file can be specified
- In Eset select required element set for energy output. We can request total strain energy (plastic dissipation energy and hourglass energy) and static stabilization energy as element energy output.
- In contact field select all or select contact to request energy output for particular contact.
The energy output will be written as Filename_e.out. Energy output for element and contact can be observed in below snap of e.out for sample model.