How to install HFEM Toolbox for Altair Compose

Altair Employee

The High Frequency Electromagnetics (HFEM) Toolbox is a library dedicated for post-processing Altair Feko data, for example, far field, near field and impedance data in Altair Compose. Field calculators are available which allow ease of access to the data of derived electromagnetic quantities, for example, left and right-hand circular polarization, Ludwig 3 Cross and Co polarization and many more.
Key Features
- Fast and easy post-processing by importing and slicing the required Feko data for plotting in Compose.
- Convert HFSS field data (.ffd and .nfd) to Feko formats (.ffe, .hfe and .efe)
- Easy access to calculators for generic electromagnetic quantities with one line of code.
- Flexibility, the code is open source and can be adapted further for specific use cases.
- Demo files are available to make using the library much easier.
- Multiport Array Post-Processing, extract the scaled field and port results from a .mcr file.
- Download the
- Extract the contents to a folder named HighFrequencyElectromagnetics.
- Follow the installation instructions in the documentation HFEMToolboxForCompose.pdf
- Note demo files are available in the Demo browser in Compose to assist in getting started with the library usage.