How to handle Radioss unsupported keywords with HyperMesh

PolyviosR_21220 New Altair Community Member
edited October 2024 in Altair HyperWorks

Even though the majority of Radioss formulations/keywords are available to be set up through HyperMesh pre-processor, some will only be available in future versions of the graphical interface.

However, there are still ways to handle these unsupported keywords through HyperMesh, to make the model setup and changes.

In this article, 3 main tips and tricks are described to ensure that user experience would be as convenient as possible:

  1. Unsupported keyword creation from scratch in a text editor
  2. Unsupported keyword import in HyperMesh
  3. Usage of include files for the unsupported keywords


Unsupported keyword creation from scratch in a text editor

There are some keywords which, although fully functional, are not yet supported by HyperMesh. To use keywords like this, you can follow the given steps:

  1. Go to Radios Help to find the page of the keyword which you want to use (here /FAIL/MAXSTRAIN).
  2. Find The Example Card existing in (almost) each keyword page:

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, nombre, PoliceDescription générée automatiquement

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, nombreDescription générée automatiquement

  1. With a text editor (such as Notepad++), copy and paste the full card wherever you want between other cards (in your existing Radioss input deck 0000.rad, or in a new include file .inc):

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, nombre, ParallèleDescription générée automatiquement

  1. Edit the card parameters directly in the file.
  2. If your model were ready except the additional card, now your model should be ready to run.

Important Note: A Radioss input file can be very large, and some text editing tools may be limited by memory, resulting in incomplete files being saved after editing. It is recommended to use a tool with a large memory capacity and a warning message in case of incomplete file import. Notepad++ is an example of such a tool.


Unsupported keyword handling inside HyperMesh

  1. If you import your model (as solver deck input) in HyperMesh, after you have defined the unsupported cards directly in the 0000.rad or include files, then these cards should be seen in the Model Browser under /Cards/Ungrouped/UnsupportedCard:

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, diagramme, conceptionDescription générée automatiquement

  1. If you select the Data icon, you can see the text that has been imported under the UnsupportedCard entity. Keep in mind that all the unsupported keywords will be placed in this UnsupportedCard entity. You will not get several of them but only one.
  2. From this menu you can make changes directly if needed.
  3. This UnsupportedCard can be handled as other entities in HM, so you can move it to another include file if needed.

Important Note: You can also import into your existing HM session, only an include file containing the unsupported Radioss cards that you have manually created using a text editor.


Usage of include files for the unsupported keywords

A recommended practice is to put the unsupported keywords in include files with explicit naming conventions. This helps with future reviews of the model and provides additional options such as export/do_not_export of that part of the model.

  1. Create a new include file by right clicking in model browser and select /Create…/Include File…, then give it the name you want with .inc at the end of the name.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, conceptionDescription générée automatiquement

  1. Double click on include file to open include browser:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. You can see what is included in each file (here main model has all the model entities and new include file just its /BEGIN card).
  2. You can add the unsupported card you have set into the new include file by going to /Assembly…/Organize… and select entity to cards and select your card and the include file destination. You can also simply drag-and-drop entities from the main model to the include.

Une image contenant texte, logiciel, capture d’écranDescription générée automatiquement

  1. Then the unsupported card will be shown in the new include file

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, nombreDescription générée automatiquement

  1. You can then export your file to a new folder and see that a new .inc file has been created.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. It is always a good idea to open this file and check that the unsupported card has been exported as it should according to the Radioss reference guide, and if it has not, you should correct it.  You can also try to run your model and see if any errors or warnings appear.
  2. If everything works fine you can go back to HyperMesh and go on with model creation.


Then it is possible to deactivate the export option of this include file from include browser.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, nombre, logicielDescription générée automatiquement

If you do this, the include file will not be exported with the rest of the model, but the include call keyword (#include include_name) will be written in the main 0000.rad file. Thus, you will just have to put manually your include file in the run directory before running the simulation. Or, if the file is already set, this option will ensure that it is not modified during export of the model from HM.