VOV: Change a vovproject owner

New Altair Community Member
Changing the ownership of a Runtime installation is straightforward, but a little involved, because the RTDA software has a notion of ownership in addition to the filesystem ownership.
This example is for LicenseMonitor (LM), but it is applicable to any vovproject.
This example is for LicenseMonitor (LM), but it is applicable to any vovproject.
1. Make note of the location of things from the shell as the LM owner, with the following RTDA command.
This shows the location of the software installation.
% vovversion -all
% vovversion -all
The following commands show the location of the .swd vovserver config directory:
% vovproject enable licmon
% vovserverdir -p
2. Shut down the RTDA vovserver with the following command:
lmmgr stop
For NC, the command would be ncmgr stop.
lmmgr stop
For NC, the command would be ncmgr stop.
3. Recursively change the filesystem ownership of the RTDA installation, with the following commands:
% /bin/su - (or use sudo)
% chown -R new-owner RTDA-install-hierarchy
4. If the licmon/licmon.swd or vnc/vnc.swd dirs. are in the hierarchy, you may be done; if another location was used, then run the following command:
% chown -R new-owner project.swd
5. Inside the .swd directory, you will find a file named security.tcl that controls access to the vovproject and grants a specific privilege level to a login account when it connects. Edit this file, add a line, and then save the file. For example:
vtk_security "new-owner" ADMIN +
6. Remove or downgrade the previous owner to user. This makes the new owner ADMIN from any machine. Then, change the metadata in the following directory:
.../local/registry/lm-owner directory
5. Inside the .swd directory, you will find a file named security.tcl that controls access to the vovproject and grants a specific privilege level to a login account when it connects. Edit this file, add a line, and then save the file. For example:
vtk_security "new-owner" ADMIN +
6. Remove or downgrade the previous owner to user. This makes the new owner ADMIN from any machine. Then, change the metadata in the following directory:
.../local/registry/lm-owner directory
The registry keeps track of vovproject metadata, created in a given RTDA installation area. It is usually in one of the following locations:
7. Find the directory:
8. Make a new directory (as needed) and move the file there:
Then, edit the registry file to change the owner within the file.
9. Afterward, run a check with the following command:
% vovproject list -all -l
This will show the new owner.
10. Then, to restart, get a shell as a new-owner on the LM host machine, source the RTDA setup file to get the commands in the PATH, and use the following command:
% lmmgr [-name licmonMMM] start
You only need to use the -name option if you did not use the default project name, licmon.