NC: increase resourcemap expiration time

The resource map subsystem of vovserver is very fast, powerful and flexible, and can express complex job resource requirements.
The License: resourcemaps in NC are maintained by the daemon 'vovresourced', using information gathered via HTTP from LicenseMonitor, or LM-Basic. The default expiration time is 300s (5m). You may wish to increase this time to avoid resourcemap expiration, especially if you have a large number (over 10K or so) resourcemaps total.
If resourcemaps for floating resources expire, the scheduler will try to find those resource as vovslave resources, where, of course, they will not exist, leading to a lot of wasted effort in scheduling.
The resourcemap expiration time is controlled by a parameter in 'resources.tcl' set RESD(expiration) Nsec ; # seconds, NOT a VOV timespec
The vovresourced daemon should automatically reload the changed file because of its updated timestamp, but you can force a reload by stopping and restarting vovresourced. Use the latter with caution if your resourced loop time is long. Ordinarily, vovresourced has a cycle time of 30s.
You should also use the -expire option of vtk_resourcemap_set when you create resource using the VTK API, or by sourcing files containing such statements, e.g. as part of an autostart script or an initProc{} in a jobclass.