Remove a Tag in LicenseMonitor (Admin Only)

System Administrator
Altair Employee

You may want to edit or remove tags that were created to a monitor a license server.
Note: Any name change will only change the name going forward; it will not change any historical data. So if the tag changed was cad_WAN_SC and is changed to cad_WAN_AUS on Jan 1, 2017, you need to use the old name to pull reports prior to that date. Or you can link the historical data from the old tag to the new one using the Command Line Interface. See instructions here.
You need admin permissions to perform this task.
To remove a tag, perform the following steps:
- Go to the Admin tab, and select the Monitors option.
Figure: Admin Tab Monitors Option - Scroll down and find the tag that needs to be removed, and click the Edit button. A new window appears. Scroll down again, and click Delete on the right side of the selected tag.
Figure: Edit Monitors - Go to the Admin tab, and select the Tags option and then select Server.
Note: Ensure that the top left of the page says "Tag Administration (server)" and NOT "Tag Administration (database)" or it will delete the tag from the database.
Figure: Tag Administration - Click the checkbox by the Tag you wish to delete.
- Click the Delete Selected Tags from Server Memory button.
- Go to the Admin Page and select the Tasks tab. The Periodic Job List will display.
- Find the ".info" and ".stat" jobs for the Tag of your choosing.
Figure: Periodic Job List - For each of the jobs, click on the Job name (highlighted in blue) and the Admin Job page will display.
Figure: Job Admin Page - In the upper right corner, click on the trash can icon to Forget the job, click Confirm.
- To rename a tag, follow the instructions here.