Create a Connection to a Samba Server for AI Studio

Create and configure an AI Studio Samba Connection object so that files can be written to and read from a Samba Server.
Connectivity and credentials to a Samba Server. Such a server can be easily created if Docker on a Linux box is available. If AI Hub 10+ is installed on a Linux box, the Docker installation there is suitable and a Samba server may be created there.
1. Start the Samba Server on the Linux Docker host.
a. Create the /tmp folder, if it does not already exist, by running
mkdir /tmp
from a Linux prompt.
b. Start the server by typing
sudo docker run -d -p 139:139 -p 446:446 --name samba-server -v /tmp/docker:/share elswork/samba -u "1000:1000:sambaguest:sambaguest:sambaguest" -s "SmbShare:/share:rw:sambaguest"
You Samba server will start.
2. Install the SMB Connector Extension in AI Studio.
a. Select Extensions>Marketplace (Updates and Extensions)...
b. Search for "Samba"
c. Install the SMB Connector Extension
3. Create the Samba Connection
a. In the Repository Panel of AI Studio, Navigate to Local Repository>Connections, right click and select Create Connection
b. In the "Create a new connection" dialog box, select SMB Server Connection from the Connection Type drop down. Leave the Repository value set to Local Repository, and Select the Create button.
c. In the Setup tab, assuming the Samba server was started using the command in Step 1 above, set the Username and Password fields to the value "sambaguest" (without the double quotes). Set the URL to "smb://", without the double quotes. You will need to replace "" with the actual ip address of your Docker Host.
d. Select the "Test Connection" button. Confirm the test is successful. Click the Save button to save the connection.
The Samba Connection is now created and available to use with Samba Read and Write operators.