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Software Support Policy Latest Product Versions Product Name Current Version Versions Supported Altair Monarch (formerly Altair Modeler) 2024 Versions 2023 Altair Monarch Server 2024 Versions 2023 Altair Panopticon (formerly Panopticon Server) – Visualization Server 2024 Versions 2023 Altair Knowledge Studio/Seeker 2024…
Hello, There is 5 floating licenses of PSIM version 10 in my company and I would like to register a new computer ID ( KIHGRMFEVKFHANMGGNSKWAMVFE.) How may I register a new computer ID (PSIM)? thank you
Hi, I am a new user to Flux 3D and I could use some help regarding the meshing of my model. I am trying to make a 3 phase conductor in an aluminum barrier (similar to an insulated phase busduct but with 4 cables instead of 1 conductor). However, since it is the first time I am using Flux 3D, I have a lot of difficulties…
Hi, I am trying to figure out how to write a formula based on between two numbers in a balance category. I need to balance total and also number of accounts total. I am not sure how to exactly write this. Any help would be appreciated.
Create and configure an AI Studio Samba Connection object so that files can be written to and read from a Samba Server. Prerequisite: Connectivity and credentials to a Samba Server. Such a server can be easily created if Docker on a Linux box is available. If AI Hub 10+ is installed on a Linux box, the Docker installation…
1. はじめに RapidMinerには多くのすぐに使えるテンプレートが備わっています。データを入れ替えて応用可能です。ここでは以下のバスケット解析 (Market Basket Analysis)について見てみます。 バスケット解析の例として、おむつがビールと同時に購入される機会が多いことが判明したという話があります。おむつを購入しに店を訪れた父親が一緒に自分のビールを買うからだと考えられています。 2. プロセスの概要 頻繁に一緒に購入される製品のセットを決定し、関連付けルールを構築することにより、製品間の関連付けをモデル化します。 ※元のテンプレートは説明が英語です。 3. 各オペレータの説明 Retrieve…
I have in my company (LACTEC) 5 floating licenses of PSIM version 10. As my computer was formatted recently I need to revalidate my computer ID (TEGJRJFNIGSFALGTUESJUAMTEL). Can you help me please?
Hi My name is Ha-yong and I go to Daejin University. I am currently using PSIM 10.0 version network version. I have 40 of them, but when I run bloodshim, error number 7181 appears. Our serial number is 847290. Please contact us for a solution to the above part.
Altair RapidMiner Studio is now available to all users via Altair Units, enabling a new generation of frictionless AI capabilities. Altair Units licensing gives our clients on-demand access to our entire portfolio of data analytics products, including Monarch data preparation tools, Panopticon real-time data visualization…
RapidMiner Machine Learning Introduction Altair has vision to make data analytics simple enough for all users, but scalable, governed, and safe enough for all enterprises. RapidMiner is the enterprise-ready data science platform that amplifies the collective impact of your people, expertise and data for breakthrough…
Added two new users in Admin tool for Monarch version 10.5. When users attempt to login, they receive "Username already in use by another user." Checked the admin tool to ensure there is only one occurrence of username. License server is on-premises.
What is feature selection and why do we need to perform it? In machine learning, one of the main components of data preprocessing is feature selection. Each column in the dataset that is fed into our machine-learning model is called a feature, also known as variable or attribute. If we use too many features to train a…
F=-B |V| V と、速度の 2乗で空気抵抗を入れてみたいと思います。 使うエンティティは FORCE です。 とりあえず Fz に入れてみました。成分で書くと Fz = -B Vz |Vz| となるので、そのとおりに Expression を記述します。B=1.0e-9 とした例です。 速度が最終的にしてるのが分かります。 サンプルも添付してあります。
March 5 - 6, 2025
Exceptional individuals who support the Community.
The Community Team would like to introduce the January Champion of the Month, Philip Holland @Philip_Holland. For 44 years Philip R Holland has been working with the SAS language. In that time, he has witnessed the evolution of usage of the language from mainframes to modern analytics environments used across all business…