Demo physicsAI Custom Features Hook

Eamon Whalen
Eamon Whalen
Altair Employee
edited September 2024 in Altair Exchange


This is a demo of a physicsAI custom features hook for including shell thickness, materials, and loads from an Abaqus solver deck. You can use this file as inspiration when writing your own hook.

This demo hook was written by Jonathan Ollar.


Solver decks must be present next to the simulation result files when creating a dataset. They should have the same name except for the file extension (ex: run01.inp, run01.odb).

Tested in HyperWorks physicsAI 2024.0 with an Abaqus solver deck.

Usage/Installation Instructions

  1. Write a hook - using as an example, write your own python functions for parsing a solver deck for the specific FE information that you'd like to provide to physicsAI. For example, your hook might extract the initial velocity or yield stress.
  2. Place the hook file into the _hooks/ folder of a physicsAI project folder
  3. Create a physicsAI dataset
  4. Train a physicsAI model. In the training dialog, you should see the attributes that your hook extracts in the Inputs section