Script for Boolean Operations on Sets
Hypermesh proposes the Boolean Operations core tool to create new sets (s. article KB0122945). This core tool is only available for Optisruct and Nastan.
With this script you can perform Boolean operations on Sets for Optisruct, Nastan, Abaqus, Ansys.
With the script it is not only possible to create a new BooleanSet, but also to update the first selected set as a BooleanSet. In this case, no new BoolenSet will be created. Only the first set (Set1) will be updated accordingly.
Boolean creation operation:
-Union of the two sets
-Remove Set2 from Set1
-Intersection of the two sets
-Non intersection of the two sets
Usage/Installation Instructions
Run it from HyperMesh from File drop-down menu
Step 1: Select Set1
Step 2: Choose the Boolean Operation:
-Union of the two sets
-Remove Set2 from Set1
-Intersection of the two sets
-Non intersection of the two sets
Step 3: Select Set2
Step 4: Click the "Create new Set" Button to create new BooleanSet or
Click the "Update first Set" Button to update Set1