HWASCII export tool from HyperView. It exports any data type from any solver interface to HASCII format file. (Ver. 11: HWDesktop SA1-120)
Usage/Installation Instructions
1. Load model + result (from any solver) in HV
2. Contour the data type you want to export
3. Run the scrirt
4. Select the hwascii file path
5. If you want to append to the existing hwascii file please select the append check box.
6. Export Some of the key points to be noted are:
1. This tool exports for all the simulation in the given subcase for the selected data type.
2. Exports complex results
3. Exports corner results
4. Export vector,tensor,scalar results
1. Does not export layer information. It export for the current layer.
2. Does not export the coordinate system information
3. Does not export the id pool information
No Specific Interface