EDEM API: Wet Coating Model: Advanced liquid transfer in particle interactions

Stephen Cole
Stephen Cole
Altair Employee
edited August 2023 in Altair Exchange


The “Wet Coating” model is able to capture the volume transfer from spray to particles while updating the size of the coated particles to reflect the volume gained (spray coating model). Furthermore, the liquid content of the particles derived from the coating will have an effect on the liquid bridge forces. This means that the coating will not only modify the particle weight but also its interaction with others (liquid bridge model).


Usage/Installation Instructions

Example files can be found in the attached .zip. Included you will find the dll, preference file, source files and example deck of a contact model for “Wet Coating”. This model is a combination of already existing API’s (spray coating and liquid bridge)

Note: In case you are trying to run the example straight away, the coating model as it is requires the spray particles to be called “spray” in order for it to work. You can modify that in the source files.