Find and Replace Entity Names
Find any string in entity types and replace with the new string. Exactly works similar to "find and replace function" in notepad, word or excel.
Usage/Installation Instructions
Can replace all the spaces from all entities, can replace special characters like "! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) +" from all entity names at once. Can find and replace any text in entity names. for example: INPUT: compname : Rail_connections findtext : connections replacetext : conn OUTPUT : Rail_conn replaces in only the selected entity types from the available gui.
This function is CASE SENSITIVE.
Tcl Commands
No Specific Interface, Abaqus, Acis, Ansys, Catia, CFD, Crash, Dxf, HMascii, HyperStudy, Ideas, Iges, JT, LS-Dyna, Madymo, Manufacturing, Marc, Nastran, NVH, OptiStruct, Other, Pamcrash, Parasolid, Patran, Pdgs, Permas, ProE, RADIOSS (Block), RADIOSS (Bulk Data), Samcef, SolidWorks, Step, STL, Tribon, UG, Vdafs