Query result values of an element set and write to .TXT-file

Altair Employee
edited February 27 in Altair Exchange


This script will apply a Contour plot and query result values of an element set. These values are written to a .TXT-file.


January 18th 2024:
Script version was corrected as element set label was hardcoded in the procedure. This line 88 was deleted and new script version attached.






To use the script for own result files, these lines in the .TCL need to be edited:

  • line 165: defines the contour plot (result type, component, layer, applied elements/components)
  • line 166: defines the label of the element set used for query
  • line 170: second to last argument ("element.id ...") defines the query string. These are the columns with info that is output to the final .TXT-file.
    A description how to get such query string from a manual GUI operation can be found in this article:  LINK
  • line 170: last argument defines the path to where the query-.TXT-file will be written (this must be edited for the example as well)



Usage/Installation Instructions



Steps to execute:


1. Download attached .TCL / .H3D / .MVW-files and place in same folder

2. Open the session .MVW-file (NOTE: the HyperWorks version the session was saved in, is 2021)







3. Edit the .TCL-file in line 170 and use a valid string for the path, where the final query-.TXT-file will be written (see very last argument the line)

4. Run script from DropDown  File > Load > Script







5. See the query-.TXT-file that is written, containing the info defined by the query string in script line 170









  • Hans_Eriksen_1
    Hans_Eriksen_1 Altair Community Member
    edited February 27
    The documentation is a bit scarce.
  • Sebastian_Karp
    Altair Employee
    edited February 27

    Added details on how to get the query string for script line 170.

    I hope this is sufficient how and explains the usage. Please note, the intent of this article is not to explain every single line of code, but to offer a general description of usage, so that the user can follow up on his own in more detail by editing the TCL code according to his needs.
